Search Results
Panel Discussion: "People and the Land: Oregon Statewide Planning Goal 10" (2017)
Don Mazziotti: Interview, "People and the Land: Oregon Statewide Planning Goal 10" (2017)
Bob Rindy: Interview: "People and the Land: Oregon Statewide Planning Goal 10" (2017)
Mark Greenfield: Interview, "People and the Land: Oregon Statewide Planning Goal 10" (2017)
Greg Winterowd: Interview: "People and the Land: Oregon Statewide Planning Goal 10" (2017)
Land conservation vs. development in rural Oregon
The Battle to Control Land Use: Twenty Years of Planning in Oregon
Ethan Setltzer "Land Use Planning in Oregon: The Quilt and the Struggle for Scale"
Fully Charged
Ron Eber: Interview, "People and the Land" (2019)
Working with dad...
Sy Adler Interview Pt. 1